"For some people something can mean the whole world to someone else, and nothing to someone else. Big deal"
It's a kind of girly the fact that i got a crush with bands where a girl is leading the voice, and i really don't care when i'm talking about the next Big Deal.
This U.K. dream-pop duo is conformed by Kacey Underwood, and Alice Costelloe, (half british, half american, basically), they released their very first album "Lights Out" in 2011 and "June Gloom" in 2013, (personally this one drives me crazy) so we can say they've been around for a while.
Actually, i'm always in the mood for listening them for their fresh and mellow sound, sometimes they even remind me of California-indie-bands, but more into the 90's, like the real teen dream pop band.
"I wanna be wherever you are"
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